Thursday, August 25, 2011

Experiment No. 2,3,4

Experiment No. 2

Q-1> Display all tables of oracle ?
Q-2> Display a column in table dept ?
Q-3> List all dept names and location ?
Q-4> Display diff jobs available for an emp ?
Q-5> Compile the entire details of employee name “smith” ?
Q-6> Give list of emp name & their job spec who are working in dept no 20 ?
Q-7> Compile the details of emp working in dept no 3 ?
Q-8> Obtain list of all empno and names who are manager ?
Q-9> Display names of all emp whose comm is greater then salary ?
Q-10> Find list of emp whose sal is greater then 2000 along with their job spec ?
Q-11> Give list of all emp along with their monthly and annual income ?
Q-12> List all emp names and their salaries who are working in dept no 10 ?
Q-13> Give details of all dept and their no’s while changing the column name as department and department no ?
Q-14> List all managers with their respective name manager and deptno ?
Q-15> Display list of emp whose job is analyst ?

Experiment No. 3

Q-1> Create a table client master with the following fields client_no, name, address1, address2, city, state, pin_code, remarks, balance due and add the constraints?
• Create a primary key constraint on the column client_no.?
• create the following check constraints
Data values being inserted into the column client_no must start with ‘c’.
 Data values being inserted into the column name should be allowed in upper case only?
Q-2> Insert five rows in the table client master?
Q-3> Show all rows of client master?
Q-4> Add a new column in your table : AGE ?
Q-5> Update the table client master ?
Q-6> Delete a row from client master where age is greater then 60?
Q.7> Create table supplymaster (supplierno,suplliername,address1,address2,city,state,
pincode,remarks,baldue) by using clientmaster.
Q.8> Insert values in table supplymaster by using clientmaster.
Q-9> Drop table client master?

Experiment No. 4

Q-1> Find list of emp whose empno is greater then manager no ?
Q-2> Find all manager not in dept no 10 ?
Q-3> Display everyone in dept no 20 who is neither a clerk, salesman nor analyst ?
Q-4> List all emp names, their jobs, salary in ascending order by theire jobs ?
Q-5> List all empname who are ordered by the jobs within each job there should be Descending order by empno ?
Q-6> Retrieve details of emp whose sal is between 1000 and 2000 both inclusive?
Q-7> Retrieve all details of employees whose name is either smith, blake, allen, scott, clark and King ?
Q-8> To list all employees whose salary is greater than or equal to 2000.
Q-9> To list all the employees hired during the year 1982
Q-10> To get all employees from dept 10 and 20.
Q-11> To list all employees whose name begins with ‘J’.
Q-12> To list employees whose name begins with ‘J’ and has ‘N’ as the third character?
Q-13> To list all employees not entitled for commission.
Q-14> To list all employees who receive commission.
Q-15> To list employees working in dept no 10 or 20.
Q-16> To list employees hired after 01-jan-81 and working in dept no. 10
Q-17> To list employees working in dept other than 10.

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