Thursday, October 16, 2014

DBIRS List Of Experiment

1.       To Perform SQL’s DDL and DML commands using Building Table.
2.       To create a Database For Banking System using ER-Model and conversion of ER-Model into tables.
a)      Relation b/w Customer and account.
b)      Relation b/w Customer and loan
c)       Relation b/w Loan and Payment
d)      Relation b/w Customer and Employee
e)      Relation b/w Branch and Loan
f)       Generalization of Account into Saving acc. And checking acc.
3.       To perform SQL DRL queries.
4.       To create a Database for Student Marksheet using ER-Model and conversion of ER-Model into tables.
5.       To create a Database for Engineering Admission using ER-Model and conversion of ER-Model into tables.
6.       To create a Database for Salary Sheet Preparation using ER-Model and conversion of ER-Model into tables.
7.       To create a Database forIncome tax using ER-Model and conversion of ER-Model into tables.
8.       To create a Database for Library software using ER-Model and conversion of ER-Model into tables.
9.       Write VB Program for
i)                    Largest of three number
ii)                   Prime
10.   Write VB Program for
iii)                 Power of a given Number
iv)                 Table of a given Number
11.   Write VB Program to make a Calculator.
12.    Write a VB Program to calulate Capliary Rise
13.   Write a VB Program to calulate Discharge of Fluid
14.   Write a VB Program to calculate Latitude and Depration of Given Bearing.
15.   Write a VB Program to Find Volume Strain
16.   Write a VB Program to calulate Elongation due to self weight.
17.   Write a VB Program to connect a Student table on SQL server and show the data of the table in VB Data Grid View, also search a perticular record based on roll number.
18.   Write a VB Program to connect a Student table on SQL server and perform the Add,Modify and delete operation from VB form.

Lecture PPTs of MIS , Module 4 to Module 6

 Module 4 Social Computing (SC): Web 3.0 , SC in business-shopping, Marketing, Operational and Analytic CRM, E-business and E-commerce B2B B...