Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Q.1. Design an ER schema for Student Mark sheet problem converts the entire ER model into a table. Write down the SQL query to create the table insert at least 2 rows in each table?
Marks Division: ER Model- 20M            Table-conversion-10M            Create table-10M   Insert into-10M       Total: 50M

Q.2. Design an ER schema for Engineering admission Software converts the entire ER model into a table. Write down the SQL query to create the table insert at least 2 rows in each table?
Marks Division: ER Model- 20M            Table-conversion-10M            Create table-10M   Insert into-10M       Total: 50M

Q.3. Design an ER schema for salary sheet preparation and Income Tax calculation converts the entire ER model into a table. Write down the SQL query to create the table insert at least 2 rows in each table?
Marks Division: ER Model- 20M            Table-conversion-10M            Create table-10M   Insert into-10M       Total: 50M

Q.4. Design an ER schema for Library software converts the entire ER model into a table. Write down the SQL query to create the table insert at least 2 rows in each table?
Marks Division: ER Model- 20M            Table-conversion-10M            Create table-10M   Insert into-10M       Total: 50M

Q.5. Design an ER schema for any Mechanical Engineering Application involving Database  converts the entire ER model into a table. Write down the SQL query to create the table insert at least 2 rows in each table?
Marks Division: ER Model- 20M            Table-conversion-10M            Create table-10M   Insert into-10M       Total: 50M

Q.6.[A] Write a program using VB to make a calculator. (25)
[B] Execute the following SQL queries.[25]
Q-1> Display everyone in dept no 20 who is neither a clerk, salesman nor analyst ?
Q-2> List all emp names, their jobs, salary in ascending order by theire jobs ?
Q-3> Obtain list of all empno and names who are manager ?
Q-4> Display names of all emp whose comm is greater then salary ?
Q-5> To find the sum paid as salary to all employees every month.
Q-6> To find the yearly compensation paid to all sales men.
Q-7> Divide all employee into group dept and job and also specify deptno?
Q-8> List all emp name and sal whose sal is greater then that of all managers?
Q-9>display all emp names and sal where sal is less then that of any manager of any dept?
Q-10> To find the minimum salary of managers in various depts.

Q.7. [A] Create a visual basic project that will either convert U. S. dollars into a foreign currency or convert a foreign currency into U. S. dollars.
                        The foreign currencies and their U. S. dollar equivalents are:
                        1 U. S. dollar = 0.6 British pounds
                                                  1.4 canadian dollars
6.8 Frech francs
2.0 German marks
2000 Italian lira
100 Japanese yen
9.5 Mexican pesos
1.6 Swiss francs
            Your project should include two option buttons within a frame, to select either U. S. to foreign conversion or foreign to U. S. conversion. Nine additional option buttons should be placed within another frame to select the particular foreign currency. Use a text box to specify a given amount of money in the source currency, and another text box to display the equivalent amount of money in the target currency. Include an appropriate set of labels for each conversion type.[25]

[B] Execute the following SQL queries.[25]
Q-1> Find list of emp whose sal is greater then 2000 along with their job spec ?
Q-2> Give list of all emp along with their monthly and annual income ?
Q-3> List all empname who are ordered by the jobs within each job there should be Descending order by empno ?
Q-4> Retrieve details of emp whose sal is between 1000 and 2000 both inclusive?
Q-5> To find the average salary of all the employees.
Q-6> To find the average yearly compensation paid to sales men.
Q-7> List annual salary from all job consisting of more then one employee?
Q-8> List all dept with atleast one analyst?
Q-7> To find the minimum salary of managers in various depts. Having salary greater than 2500.

Q-8> To select all employees sorted dept wise in ascending order and within dept salary wise in descending order for dept no. 10 and 20.

Q.8.  [A] Write a Visual basic program to perform the following task.[25]
Reverse a string.
Determine whether the given string is palindrome or not.
Find out whether given no is prime.

[B] Execute the following SQL queries.[25]
Q-1> Display everyone in dept no 20 who is neither a clerk, salesman nor analyst ?
Q-2> Find the no of employees and job group by deptno?
Q-3> List all emp names and their salaries who are working in dept no 10 ?
Q-4> Give details of all dept and their no’s while changing the column name as department and department no ?
Q-5> To find the minimum salary paid to any employee
Q-6> To list the employee who heads the list alphabetically.
Q-7> List all emp name, dept names and location whose deptno is common in both dept table and emp table?
Q-8> List all jobs in dept 10 and 20 or in both?
Q-9> To select all employees along with their annual salary sorted on the basis of annual salary.
Q-10> To find the minimum salary of managers in various depts.

Q.9. [A]Write a Visual basic program to perform the following task.[25]
Find the power of a given number.
Determine that weather a given number is Armstrong.
Display the table of a given number

[B] Execute the following SQL queries.[25]
Q-1> List all jobs which are common in dept 10 and 20 ?
Q-2> List all jobs which are present in dept 10 but not in dep 20?
Q-3> List all managers with their respective name manager and deptno ?
Q-4> Display list of emp whose job is analyst ?
Q-5> To list all the employees hired during the year 1982
Q-6> To get all employees from dept 10 and 20.
Q-7> To list all employees whose name begins with ‘J’.
Q-8> Retrieve all details of employees whose name is either smith, blake, allen, scott, clark and King ?

Q.10. [A] Write a visual basic program that will rearrange a list of names into alphabetical order. To do so, enter the names into a one-dimensional string array, with each element represent one complete name. The list of names can then be alphabetized in the same manner that a list of numbers is rearranged from smallest to largest.[25]

[B] Execute the following SQL queries.[25]
Q-3> To select all the employees who do the same job as that of Scott.
Q-4> To see all details of depts. Who have employees working in it.
Q-5> To find out average maximum and minimum salary of departments where average salary is greater than 2000.
Q-6> To list the minimum salary to various categories of employees.
Q-7> To list employees working in dept no 10 or 20.
Q-8> To list employees hired after 01-jan-81 and working in dept no. 10

Q.11.[A] Create a visual basic alarm clock that utilizes the timer control. Use option buttons to turn the alarm on and off. Specify the wake-up time using a text box.[25]

[B] Execute the following SQL queries.[25]
Q-1> To list employees working in dept other than 10.
Q-2> To find the minimum salaries of various categories of employees in various depts.
Q-3> To find the minimum salaries of various categories of employees, department wise such that minimum salary is greater than 1500.
Q-4> To select the employees whose salary is greater than the salary of all employees working in dept no. 30
Q-5> To list all employees in the ascending order by name.
Q-6> To select all employees sorted dept wise in ascending order and within dept salary wise in descending order.
Q-7> To select all employees along with their annual salary sorted on the basis of annual salary.
Q-8> To find the minimum salary of managers in various depts.

Q.13. Create a visual basic project for generating a mark sheet  of a student.
Note: You can create necessary tables using enterprise manager.

Q.14. Create a visual basic project for Engineering admission Software.
Note: You can create necessary tables using enterprise manager.
Q.15. Create a visual basic project for salary sheet preparation and Income Tax calculation.
Note: You can create necessary tables using enterprise manager.

Q.16. Create a visual basic project for Library software  of a student.
Note: You can create necessary tables using enterprise manager.

Q.17. Create a visual basic project for Mechanical Engineering Application involving Database .
Note: You can create necessary tables using enterprise manager.

Q-1> Write a query in sql to create a table employee and department.
Include the following constraints on column of emp table.
a) to make the empno as primary key of the table and
b) to ensure that the ename column does not contain NULL values and
c) the job column to have only UPPERCASE entries and
d) to put the current date as default date in hire date column in case data is not supplied for the column.
Include the following constraints on column of dept table.
a) to make deptno as primary key.
b) to ensure dname,loc coloumns does not contain NULL values
Also enforce REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY, declare deptno field of dept table as primary key and deptno field of emp table as foreign key. [25]

Q-2> Modify the above table to add three more columns salary,mgr,comm to the emp table. add salary column with constraint greater than zero and modify the width of sal column.
Q-3> Insert few rows in dept table.
Insert following values in employee table.
7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20
7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 300 30
7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250 500 30
7566 JONES MANAGER 839 02-APR-81 2975 20
7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-81 1250 1400 30
Q-4> Edit the commission of JONES to 1000.
Q-5> Retrieve all rows of employee table.
Q-6> Delete row from employee table where deptno is 10.
Q-7> Delete all rows from employee table then Drop the emp table. [25]

Lecture PPTs of MIS , Module 4 to Module 6

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