Wednesday, October 27, 2010

1. Write a program using VB to make a calculator.


a) To find out average minimum and maximum salary of each dept.

b) To find out average maximum and minimum salary of departments where average salary is greater than 2000.

c) To list the minimum salary to various categories of employees.

d) To find the minimum salaries of various categories of employees in various depts.

e) To find the minimum salaries of various categories of employees, department wise such that minimum salary is greater than 1500.

2. Write a Visual basic program to perform the following task.

i) Reverse a string.

ii) Determine whether the given string is palindrome or not.

iii) Find out whether given no is prime.


i) Retrieve emp name and job who have the same job as that of allen?

ii) List all emp name and their job of those depts. That are located at Chicago?

iii) List all emp name and sal whose sal is greater then that of all managers?

3. Write a Visual basic program to perform the following task.

i) Find the power of a given number.

ii) Determine that weather a given number is Armstrong.

iii) Display the table of a given number

iv) Arithmetic operations.


a) To list all employees whose name begins with ‘J’.

b) To list employees whose name begins with ‘J’ and has ‘N’ as the third character

c) To list all employees not entitled for commission.

d) To list all employees who receive commission.

e) To list employees working in dept no 10 or 20.

f) To list employees hired after 01-jan-81 and working in dept no. 10

g) To list employees working in dept other than 10.

4. Create a visual basic project that will either convert U. S. dollars into a foreign currency or convert a foreign currency into U. S. dollars.

The foreign currencies and their U. S. dollar equivalents are:

1 U. S. dollar = 0.6 British pounds

1.4 canadian dollars

6.8 Frech francs

2.0 German marks

2000 Italian lira

100 Japanese yen

9.5 Mexican pesos

1.6 Swiss francs

Your project should include two option buttons within a frame, to select either U. S. to foreign conversion or foreign to U. S. conversion. Nine additional option buttons should be placed within another frame to select the particular foreign currency. Use a text box to specify a given amount of money in the source currency, and another text box to display the equivalent amount of money in the target currency. Include an appropriate set of labels for each conversion type.


a) To find the total number of employees.

b) To find the total number of clerk hired after 13-jan-81.

c) To find the sum paid as salary to all employees every month.

d) To find the yearly compensation paid to all sales men.

5. Create a table STUDENT which has different fields like name, roll no, class, div, branch , subjects and percentage. Write a visual basic project for student data base to ADD, EDIT, MODIFY & DELETE the records in STUDENT table.

Also perform the following opereations:

· Display record of particular student.

· Display list of student percentagewise.

6. Create a visual basic project for Bank transation. Create required table first. Perform the ADD, EDIT, MODIFY & DELETE operations.

Also perform the following opereations:

  • Deposit an amount.
  • Display the balance.
  • Withdraw an amount.
  • Find the name of customer whose balance is NULL.

7. Create a visual basic project for income tax calculation. Create necessary table. Perform the ADD, EDIT, MODIFY & DELETE operations.

Also perform the following opereations:

· Calculate the income tax.

· Display the list of people who didn’t pays the tax yet.

8. Write a visual basic program that will rearrange a list of names into alphabetical order. To do so, enter the names into a one-dimensional string array, with each element represent one complete name. The list of names can then be alphabetized in the same manner that a list of numbers is rearranged from smallest to largest.


h) To select all rows from dept table.

i) To list dept number from emp table

j) To list distinct value from emp table.

k) To list all employees working in dept 10 from emp table.

l) To list all employees whose salary is greater than or equal to 10000.

m) To list names and salary of all employees whose salary is between 1000 and 15000 including 10000 and 15000.

n) To list all the employees hired during the year 2005

o) To get all employees from dept 10 and 20.

9. Create a table EMP which has the following fields Empno, Ename, deptno, job, hiredate. Write a visual basic project for employee Database to ADD, EDIT, MODIFY & DELETE the records in EMP table.

Also perform the following opereations:

· List all employee of dept. no 10.

· List all manager.

· Display the record of a given empno.


Q-1> Write a query in sql to create a table employee and department.



Include the following constraints on column of emp table.

a) to make the empno as primary key of the table and

b) to ensure that the ename column does not contain NULL values and

c) the job column to have only UPPERCASE entries and

d) to put the current date as default date in hire date column in case data is not supplied for the column.

Include the following constraints on column of dept table.

a) to make deptno as primary key.

b) to ensure dname,loc coloumns does not contain NULL values

Also enforce REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY, declare deptno field of dept table as primary key and deptno field of emp table as foreign key.

Q-2> Modify the above table to add three more columns salary,mgr,comm to the emp table. add salary column with constraint greater than zero and modify the width of sal column.

Q-3> Insert following values in employee table.


7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 20

7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 300 30

7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250 500 30

7566 JONES MANAGER 839 02-APR-81 2975 20

7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-81 1250 1400 30

7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-81 2850 30

7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 09-JUN-81 2450 10

7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 19-APR-87 3000 20

7839 KING PRESIDENT 17-NOV-81 5000 10

7844 TURNER SALESMAN 7698 08-SEP-81 1500 0 30

7876 ADAMS CLERK 7788 23-MAY-87 1100 20

7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 03-DEC-81 950 30

7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 03-DEC-81 3000 20

7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 23-JAN-82 1300 10

Q-4> Edit the commission of JONES to 1000.

Q-5> Retrieve all rows of employee table.

Q-6> Delete row from employee table where deptno is 10.

Q-7> Delete all rows from employee table then Drop the emp table.


Q-1> Create a table client master with the following fields client_no, name, address1, address2, city, state, pin_code, remarks, balance due and add the constraints?

  • Create a primary key constraint on the column client_no.?
  • create the following check constraints

àData values being inserted into the column client_no must start with ‘c’.

à Data values being inserted into the column name should be allowed in upper case only?

Q-2> Insert five rows in the table client master?

Q-3> Show all rows of client master?

Q-4> Add a new column in your table : AGE ?

Q-5> Update the table client master ?

Q-6> Delete a row from client master where age is greater then 60?

Q.7> Create table supplymaster (supplierno,suplliername,address1,address2,city,state,

pincode,remarks,baldue) by using clientmaster.

Q.8> Insert values in table supplymaster by using clientmaster.

Q-9> Drop table client master?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Question Bank

1. Explain the advantage of database system over file processing system.
2. Explain what is mean by the following terms in DBMS, illustrate each one with an example.
a. Foreign key b. Primary key c. weak entity set d. Aggregation
3. Explain in detail all the fundamental operation of Relational Algebra.
4. Define the following terms with example.
(i) Candidate key. (ii) Weak entity set (iii) Aggression.

5. Consider the following scheme.
Supplier (sid, sname, address)
Parts (pid, pname, color)
Catalog (sid, pid, cost)
Write the following querries in relational algebra and SQL.
(i) Find the names of supplier who supplies some red parts.
(ii) Find the sids of supplier who supply every red or green part.
(iii) Find the pids of part that are supplied by at least two different suppliers.

6. What is view ? How is it created and stored? What are the benefits and limitation of views?

7. Construct an ER diagram for a hospital with a set of patients and set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient a log of various tests and examination conducted. Map this schema into relational schema by stating appropriate mapping rule, and specify all primary and foreign keys.
8. List the ACID properties. Explain the usefulness of each?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Syllabus Web Engineering

University of Mumbai

Class: T.E.

Branch: Computer Engineering

Semester: V

Subject: Web Engineering (Abbreviated as WE)

Periods per Week

(each 60 min)









Evaluation System




Practical and Oral






Term Work






Objectives: To understand the concepts, principles, strategies, and methodologies of Web applications and development. to apply current Web technologies to understand current Web business models, to understand and apply Web development processes.





An Introduction to Web Engineering

Motivation, Categories of Web Applications, Characteristics of Web Applications, Product-related Characteristics, Usage-related Characteristics, Development-related Characteristic, Evolution of web engineering.



Requirements Engineering for Web Applications

Introduction, Fundamentals, Where Do Requirements Come From? Requirements Engineering Activities RE Specifics in Web Engineering, Principles for RE of Web Applications, Adapting RE Methods to Web Application Development, Requirement Types, Notations, Tools.



Technologies for Web Applications Client-side Technologies, ActiveX Controls, Document-specific Technologies, HTML-Hypertext Markup Language, DHTML, SMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, XML-eXtensible Markup Language, XSL-eXtensible Stylesheet Language, Java Script, Server-side Technologies, Servelet, URI Handlers, Web Service, Middleware Technologies



Web Application Architectures Introduction, Fundamentals, What is an Architecture? Developing Architectures Categorizing Architectures, Specifics of Web Application Architectures, Components of a Generic Web Application Architecture, Layered Architectures, 2-Layer Architectures, N-Layer Architectures Data-aspect Architectures, Database-centric Architectures, Architectures for Web Document Management, Architectures for Multimedia Data



Modeling Web Applications

Introduction, Fundamental, Modeling Specifics in Web


Engineering, Levels, Aspects, Phases Customization, Modeling Requirements, Hypertext Modeling, Hypertext Structure Modeling Concepts, Access Modeling Concepts, Relation to Content Modeling, Presentation Modeling, Relation to Hypertext Modeling, Customization Modeling, Relation to Content, Hypertext, and Presentation Modeling.


Web Application Design Introduction, Web Design from an Evolutionary Perspective, Information Design, Software Design: A Programming Activity, Merging Information Design and Software Design, Problems and Restrictions in Integrated Web Design, A Proposed Structural Approach, Presentation Design, Presentation of Nodes and Meshes, Device-independent Development, Approaches, Interaction Design, User Interaction User Interface Organization, Navigation Design, Designing a Link Representation, Designing Link Internals, Navigation and Orientation, Structured Dialog for Complex Activities, Interplay with Technology and Architecture,Functional Design.



Testing Web Applications Introduction, Fundamentals, Terminology, Quality Characteristics, Test Objectives, Test Levels, Role of the Tester, Test Specifics in Web Engineering, Test Approaches, Conventional Approaches, Agile Approaches, Test Scheme, Three Test Dimensions, Applying the Scheme to Web Applications, Test Methods and Techniques, Link Testing, Browser Testing, Usability Testing, Load, Stress, and Continuous Testing, Testing Security, Test-driven Development, Test Automation, Benefits and Drawbacks of Automated Test, Test Tools.



Web Project Management

Understanding Scope, Refining Framework Activities, Building a WebE Team, Managing Risk, Developing a Schedule, Managing Quality, Managing Change, Tracking the Project.


3.John Paul Mueller, "Web Development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005", Wiley Dreamtech, 2006.


1. Atleast six practical experiments based on above syllabus

2. A mini project is desirable to be completed by a group of three that cover

following tools.




 Java Script

 Servelet

NOTE: The above (mini project) would carry a weightage of 10 marks.

A term work test must be conducted with a weightage of 10 marks.

Attendance 05 marks.

3. Industrial visit: Prepare and submit the report of Industrial visit in a group. Each group contain not more than five students.

Syllabus G U I and Database management

G U I and Database management



























1. Data base concepts and Systems

Introduction- Purpose of Database Systems, Views of data, Data Models, Database language, Transaction Management, Storage Management, Database Administrator, Database Users, Overall System Structure, Different types of Database Systems.

2. E-R Model

Basic Concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, E-R Diagram, Weak Entity set, Extended E-R features, Design Of an E-R Database Schema, Reduction of an E-R schema to Tables

3. Relational Model

Structure of Relational Database, The Relational Algebra, Views SQL- Background, Basic Structure, SET operations, Aggregate functions, Null Values, Nested Sub queries, Derived Relations, Views, Modification of Database, Joined Relations, DDL, Other SQL features.

4. Transaction

Transaction Concepts, State, Implementations of Atomicity and durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Transaction Definition in SQL.

5. Concurrency Control Lock based protocol, Timestamp based protocol, Validation based protocol, Deadlock Handing, Insert and Delete operations, Concurrency in index structure.

6. Recovery system

Failure classification, Recovery and Atomicity, Log based recovery, Shadow paging.

7. Graphical User Interface

Murphy 's Law of G U I Design, Features of G U I, Icons and graphics, Identifying visual cues, clear communication, color selection, GUI standard, planning GUI Design Work.

8. Visual programming

Sharing Data and Code

Working with Projects, Introduction to Basic language, Using inbuilt controls and ActiveX controls, creating and using classes, Introduction to Collections, Using and creating ActiveX Components, dynamic data exchange, object linking and embedding

Creating visual software entities

Working with text, graphics, working with files, file management, serial communication, multimedia control interfaces.

Programming for the Internet

Using ActiveX controls on the web-the internet transfer control for HTTP, FTP

Database programming

Data base basics, Visual Basic's database tools, Database designing and programming, DAO, RDO, ODBC,ADO, OLE DB, Relational databases, the Data Object Models, form and fields validation, Client Server Programming, COM-DCOM.

Text Book

  1. An Introduction to Database System, C.J. Date Pearson Education
  2. Database Systems and Concepts, Henry F. Korth, Sliberschatz, Sudarshan, McGraw Hill
  3. GUI Design for dummies, IDG books.
  4. Visual Basic 2005, How to program (3rd Edition) Deitel & Deitel, Pearson Education
  5. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Bible, Wiley
  6. BALTER, MS SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS IN 24 Hours, Pearson Education


  1. Beginning S Q L Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers Willis thearon Shroff publishers & distributers
  2. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Elmasri and Navathe Pearson Education
  3. Database Management Systems Majumdar/ A K Bhattacharyya, Tata Mc Graw Hill

Term Work:

Term work shall consist of one mini project using Microsoft Visual Basic as Front End and Microsoft SQL Server as Backend. For eg.

  1. Library Management System
  2. Income Tax Calculation System
  3. Payroll System
  4. Merit List Management System
  5. Inventory Management System

    The software shall have following attributes

  6. Multiple forms and MDI form
  7. Menus, pull down menu and pop up menu
  8. Database connectivity using command objects and connection objects
  9. One list box populated by program code

Distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows:

1. Attendance (Theory and Practical) 05 Marks

2. Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) 10 Marks

3. Test (at least one) 10 Marks

The final certification and acceptance of TW ensures the satisfactory

performance of laboratory Work and Minimum Passing in the term work.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Definition: Web Engineering


Based on this definition and on (Deshpande et al. 2002) we define
Web Engineering as follows:
1) Web Engineering is the application of systematic and quantifiable approaches (concepts, methods, techniques, tools) to cost-effective requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, operation, and maintenance of high-quality Web applications.
2) Web Engineering is also the scientific discipline concerned with the study of these
(Gerti Kappel)

Actually traditional web applications are developed in random order without any systematic approach. One can say that web applications are developed in an ad hoc manner. There are lots of problem in traditional web application. Now to solve the all traditional problems there is a need of engineered development of web applications. So here is the subject web engineering. you can also say that web site engineering.
Now the web applications are developed from the point of view of Software Engineering. In the definition the term analysis,design, implementation, testing, operation, and maintenance are taken from Software Engineering.

DBMS Basics & DBMS Vs File System

DBMS Basics

GUIDBM subject is nearly in all the computer related graduation field so i thought to share my knowledge in the subject as from last five years i am teaching the same subject.

First i will start with the DBMS latter i will cover GUI.

Lets Start with the basics:

Database Basics:
Databases and database systems have become an essential component of everyday life.Daily in our life, most of us encounter several activities that involve some interaction with a database. for example we are checking our account balance on the internet, booking online ticket, online railway,airplane reservation , taking admission at university though internet, checking the result on the net etc.
As the list illustrates you can yourself figure out, databases form an essential part of almost all enterprises today.

"A database-management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data and a
set of programs to access those data" (Korth volume 1)

"A database is a collection of related data (Note 1). By data, we mean known facts that can be recorded and that have implicit meaning" (Navathe 3rd Edition)

Note:both the definition i have taken from book mentioned in the bracket.

in the first definition the collection of data can be anything like information related to an enterprise or information related to an account etc. and data means consider the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of the people you know. You may have stored it on a personal computer and software such as ACCESS or EXCEL. This is a collection of related data with an implicit meaning and hence is a database.

After the database basics we must know the problem arise in traditional file system. One can say that database is invented to solve the problems of the file system.

Database Systems versus File Systems:

• Data redundancy and inconsistency
This is the major problem of file system.the same information may be duplicated in
several places (files).
• Difficulty in accessing data
File processing system not allowed the convenient way of data retrieval.
• Data isolation
In file processing system writing new application is very difficult because here data is scattered in different file.
• Integrity problems
Sometime constraint are require on the data item, example balance of account should be greater than 5000. Giving such type of constraint in the file system is very difficult.
• Atomicity problems
In file processing system it is very difficult to maintain the atomicity.
Atomicity means if transaction fails because of some reason all the file must be consistence.
• Concurrent-access anomalies
There is consistency problem in the file system if many user accessing the same file simultaneously.
• Security problems
In the file system every user have the access to other user file. So one user can easily delete or see the details of other user.

Lecture PPTs of MIS , Module 4 to Module 6

 Module 4 Social Computing (SC): Web 3.0 , SC in business-shopping, Marketing, Operational and Analytic CRM, E-business and E-commerce B2B B...